Tuesday, June 9, 2009






星期五那天晚上,学书也是学得昏昏的。他就好心带我出去走走,坐坐,看看,喝喝,吃吃!! 哈哈。。他也是要找地方上网,而我想换个地方学书, 就这样,他选了去CooCooRon。。。

我对这间店的印象很好,因为有我爱吃的Grill Chicken。每次都是烤的很嫩,不会硬硬的感觉,而且肉也非常入味。Wah。。。如你有机会,真的要去试一试哦!
Left : Peach Tea
Right : Mango xxxx (the name is weird, so can't remember le)
Grilled Chicken Burger + French Fries
因为是晚上了,就没叫我爱吃的Grilled Chicken了,就点了一套汉堡和薯条。没想到,里面的肉,就是Grilled Chicken的味道,好好吃哦!它的面包上和下面都有涂cheese和butter,然后两三片罐头黄梨,跟着大大片的烤鸡肉,一粒煎的大大片的鸡蛋,在加上黄瓜。。简直让我爱不释手。害我一直吃,他都没得分了。。哈哈哈哈。。。

了些!! 嘻嘻。。


Mystery Place~~

Do you have any idea where this place is? A forsaken lake or pond? Or just a dirty 'longkang'? Haha, for those who are citizen of Bau, I think you will get it right. Yeah! It is the 'Hot Spring'

I do not know is it located at Bau lar.. but ah.. somewhere around there ba. When the day my friends and I went for visiting friend's aunty house for Hari Gawai, then they suggested want go to see the hot spring. So my friend bring us go lor.. then this is how it looked like..Hmmm...??!!

The water is warm, not hot. My friend heard people said the water was hot in the past, after a pregnant woman soaked in the hot spring, then the water become warm instead of hot. So ah, don know lei, just a story from the past la..

When you stand on the 'titi' (small bridge), you can see the water inside is boiling, and see the water texture is moving. There is water come out from a very deep hole inside. But ah, can't see it clearly lo.

For those never see a hot spring like me, you may try find it out!! I think is at Bau la, or Bird Nest Mountain 'yan wo shan' there. There is signboard beside the road lo. So ah, Good luck lo..Hehe

Permai 过后的午餐地点~Santubong

Permai 的海景
Santubong 的风景

KFC - ''It's finger lickin good''

Permai Rainforest

拿了两星期的假学书。连续学也会崩溃的哦!就在星期日,和几位朋友跑去Permai Rainforest‘游山玩水’。哈哈。。晒得黑黑的,感觉还不错哦!很爽一下。。嘻嘻!


Tree House

Lot of activities prepared here,like kayak la, cycling la.. or many lo. Here show u the charges of each activities.

来了几次,都不知道这里有个水池。应该是淡/山水的啦!看样子还不错喽,但当我刚到时,看到几个土著男生在里面,就嘛。。geli 一下。。嘻嘻!你要不要try一下?up to you lor!哈哈。。。



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